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FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :So patch Y that is :/

Sad i don't got good sets pfff
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
Im prepared too i race tomorow with Central Europe! But... We race on X or Y version?
Sorry for my bad English.
MT Bishop
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
My belgian XFG Skin

Last edited by FBUT Bishop, .
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
Hey first Quarter finals today!

North America vs Brazil
December 22nd, 17:00 GMT (NOON EST, 08:00 AM PST)

United Kingdom vs France
December 22nd, 20:00 GMT


Central Europe vs Czech Republic

December 23rd, 13:00 GMT

Eastern Europe vs Baltic StatesDecember 23rd, 19:00 GMT.

I race with the Central Europe team. Who drive with me? Anyone on this forum? (Sorry for my bad english)
See you tomorow guys
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :On a hilariously unrelated note, the new combo seems awfully familiar for me... ... tid=8937&d=1146109206

Posted (by me) on April 26, 2006

Muhaha, Anyone want to offer me money for my working time machine?

lol... nice!
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
Master server is down? I can't reconnect
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
PLFS-League server (Pool A).
Our league race is reported to next week due to this problem...
Problem in West Europe?
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
Hello everybody... It seems we have a problem in France and Belgium for join a server... .
"La synchronisation initiale a échouée".
Whats the problem?
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
Does exist a version compatible with patch X?
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
Salut Fl!p! Je n'en doute pas, ton programme doit etre excellent! Mais voila, j'ai du faire une connerie, parce que chez moi ca marche pas . Lorsque je démarre LFS, il me dit bien que le programme tourne (au dessus a gauche). Lorsque je suis en piste et que je fais Ctrl+F11 ou 12, il me dit  FlipCams: CAM 1-2-3-4 ou 5. Donc je pense que tout est bien installé (j'ai aussi placé tes vue faites par défaut dans le répertoire "views"...). Le prob, c'est que rien ne se passe! La vue ne change pas... J'ai a peu pres tout essayé, mais pas moyen d'arriver a le faire marcher . J'utilise le patch X. Voila... Help stp!
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
x Is Out!!!!!!!!
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
Quote from milkkis :Aargh, killed my F5, now killing my left mouse button on refresh button

same for me
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :So Patch X will be at least another couple of hours yet, probably three.

10minutes to wait so?
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :There's apparently a reproducable crash I must look into now.

So Patch X will be at least another couple of hours yet, probably three.

It's serious or its a bad joke? lol...
Good luck for fix it, we wait
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
where can you see those "X" Severs? I don't see nothing...
FBUT Bishop
S3 licensed
All crazy guys... Refresh all the time and why? Just for a poor racing game... Tsss...

(ok its a joke; F5F5F5F5F5F5F5F5F5F5F5 so so so?? when??)